Tuesday, May 8, 2012


One of my pictures shows a girl listening to her ipod and making a lot of noise and her neighbor under her is upset so tried to get her attention by banging on his cieling with an umbrella.

The second one is of a girl and her sister in two rooms, one sister is very engaged in a phone conversation while the other one tries to listen in.

Last but not least, I have a girl and her friend that are talking. One of them keeps talking and talking and talking, finally the other one has had enough and she wants help.

1 comment:

  1. I think that the first two are more successful than the last one because in the last one they look like they should've cannected in a different way, i get the whole ceiling subject but when i first saw it i thought that she was trying to get her to stand on the umbrella rather than her complaining that it was too much noise. In the second picture, the left picture is a little blurry, however, it has some what of a well displayed shadow. In the first picture the background is nice but I think because the picture on the left the person is vertical and the picture on the right is more leaning towards the side it gives me an off balanced feeling where maybe you could've made the person stand more vertically. Also in the third one, the layout of the pictures could have been fixed so that they were equally spaced on the canvas rather than one be far from the bottom and one is fairly close to the edge of the top. If the pictures were equally spaced it would look more neat.
